Meet Mikito, he is a 3 year old Chihuahua-schnauzer mix.
My best friend and constant companion.
Live, laugh and love much
Thursday, March 21, 2013
Just finished my new Sheep modification and wrote the pattern down to be seamless. This sheep was made for a friend who is crazy about Zombies ... so I knitted this toy for her dog.
The hatchet is in his hand and attached to his head intentionally. This makes a great place for the dog to pick up toy (after all it is a small Chihuahua).
Go to Ravelry to get the free pattern.
I finally finished the pattern for the Little Cable Bag, and here it is:
Find the pattern in Ravelry:
look for "Ladychatia" in designer page Maria Rei-Rod
I was born in Cuba but migrated to New Jersey in 1970 where I lived until I moved here to Florida. I have been knitting since I was about 8 years old when my aunts Nani and Milagro taught me the basics. I knitted most of my twin daughters winter outfits as they were growing up. Projects include sweaters, pullovers, tank tops, afghans, mittens, baby outfits, etc.
One of my favorites was a baby set I made for my girls that included the sweater, hat and booties with a blanket in a pastel pink color with lace edging. I added ribbons to make it more elegant...I wish I would have taken pictures of it. Through the years I tried to make more and design challenging patterns to improve my skills.