Live, laugh and love much

Sunday, August 28, 2011

Summer has come and gone

Summer is one of my favorite seasons. The beach, the pool, and vacation time are all rolled up into a few moths of pure pleasure. And who can forget the hours of knitting near a window while watching the rain fall (except when there is a thunderstorm).
check out one of the few projects I managed to design this summer:
Delicate Apron

The pattern will be in Ravelry soon. Still have to modify some parts, and correct a few I forgot to write down. It took a few days (more like 20) to come up with the right calculation or inches versus stitches and rows. But now that it is finished I really think the time was well spent.

Vacation got in the way of my knitting but who's complaining, I really had lots of fun this summer. Here a only a few of the pictures, I managed to take over a thousand pictures this trip alone. An unforgettable trip that will last a lifetime.

A picture is worth a thousand words, and there are no words to describe the pleasure of this amazing trip.