I finally finished my new design "Celtic Braid Royal Neck Warmer". I think it is more for the intermediate than for beginners but if you like the challenge give it a try.
It is a combination of two famous patterns sewn together in a perfect harmony. I couldn't help myself and knitted in my favorite color PURPLE witch is also the color of royalty; or so I am told.
Blocking is highly recommended so the intricate work and the braided top can truly be seen.
I am going to ask three or four people to test knit this project before I put it up for sale, just want to make sure there are no errors in the pattern itself. If you are interested it is up for testing in "free pattern tester group" in Ravelry until May 7, 2011.
If you are interested let me know, pm me on Ravelry if you want to test any of my pattern.
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